Heading for the Intergalactic Inka Princess and Cozmic cat Story

Chapter 8 • Questions and Answers

Jack in the Black focused all his attention on Cozmo. Peering into the mind of the feline genius he began to speak. “Here is the first question: What is time?”

Thinking for a moment, while he slowly stroked his whiskers, the drumming cat then answered even more slowly. “Time is a word.”

“No Cozmic Cat!” Jack in the Black shouted back. “That is not the answer I was looking for. What I wanted to hear was something like, ‘Time is a series of events. What we refer to as time is usually a comparison that groups of people make between two or more events in order to measure, organize and plan other events.’ ”

“Wow you are blowing my mind” replied Cozmo. “That’s a little too deep for me.” Said Cozmo. “I don’t even know what you are talking about. I believe my answer is much better and easier to understand.”

“For example.” Jack went on. “What if a traveler asked you; How much more time will it take for me to walk to the river from here? And your answer was 5 days. Two events are being compared, one of which the traveler is familiar with. The traveler will then understand how long it will take and be able to plan his trip. The event of walking to the river is being compared to the event of the sun rising and setting. The traveler now knows that the sun will rise and set 5 times before he gets to the river so he will bring enough food and whatever other supplies he needs to last 5 days.

“Here is another example. Suppose I told you to get out of town by high noon or else. I am making a comparison between 2 events. The event of the sun reaching its highest point in the sky and the event of you getting out of town.

“Or maybe you were about to grill up some burgers with your friends but you were out of mustard and ketchup. You might say ‘Hey, I’m going to cook up the burgers. Why don’t you run to the store and pick up some mustard ketchup. The burgers should be ready by the time...’ ”

Before Jack could finish his sentence, the drumming cat pounded on the bass drum three times while shaking his head back and forth. Interrupting Jack, Cozmo replied. “You just keep blowing my mind with these wild stories. I understand what you are saying. But you did not ask what the meaning of time was. You asked, ‘What is time?’ Time is a word and you will never be able to deny that Mr. Jack.”

Jack in the Black was annoyed by Cozmo’s answer but he realized this was true. “Okay then. I guess your simple minded answer is correct. But I am not satisfied. So, here is the second question: What are you? And please do not tell me you’re a cat. I want you to answer the question. Who am I? What am I? How is it that I exist?”

“Well.” Cozmo chuckled. “That’s an easy one. Everybody knows you are what you eat. So, I guess that makes me eggs and toast with raspberry jam and a slice of cheddar cheese.”

Hearing this answer made Jack in the Black furious. “No Cozmic Cat! I did not mean physically. I meant philosophically. As in ‘I think therefore I am’ or ‘To be or not to be.’ The eternal questions that everyone asks themselves at least once in a lifetime. Who am I? What am I? How is it that I exist? The answer I’m looking for Cozmo is something like: ‘Memory, Perception and Imagination are what I am. My memories of the past feed my perceptions of the present and allow me to imagine the future. That is what I am. Memory, Perception and Imagination.’ ”

“Wow!” Cozmo replied. “You are blowing my mind again! I am going to have to write that down. Even so, and as much as I appreciate what you are telling me Mr. Jack, my answer was also correct. You know as well as I do that you are what you eat. Therefore I am eggs and toast with raspberry jam and a few slices of cheddar.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Jack in the Black shouted back. But that was not the answer I was looking for!” The great spirit took a moment to settle down and continued to speak in a calm voice. “Yes, you are correct Cozmo. Time is a word and you are what you eat. I could never really explain to you what time is or what you are anyway. Just as well to leave it at that.

“For me it is entertaining listening to you try. As much as I admire your genius Cozmo, you could never understand what time is or what you are anyway. You may be able to ‘Think outside the box’, as they say in your world, but you will never be able to think outside of your skull.

“With all your knowledge and that magnificent imagination of yours, you are still limited by the skull that holds your brain. Like a small ball bouncing inside a much larger box, your mind has an infinite number of ways to bounce around and paths which it can take while searching and discovering the world. But even with an infinite number of possibilities, the ball inside the box will never be able to bounce off more than six walls. In the same way, your brain is limited to thinking inside the walls of your skull.

“You see Cozmo, unlike you, I do not eat, and I am not limited by an organic mind. I understand perfectly well the laws of the universe. I do not ‘think’ in the way that you must. Even so, I enjoy being entertained, and you have entertained me. For that reason, and although I am not fully and completely satisfied with your answers, I will not prevent you from saving your friends The Band of DogZ. However, the laws of nature prohibit me from releasing what I have captured.”

Jack in the Black then began to grin an evil grin and along with searing laughter he spoke. “You are going to have to save the Band of DogZ yourself! Good luck and good day Cozmic Cat.”

“Yes, I am very lucky.” Replied Cozmo. “Thanks for nothing!”

With that and while still laughing hysterically, Jack in the Black left Cozmo alone at the gates of empty space. While Cozmo was thinking of a plan, The Band of DogZ continued to spiral downwards into the black hole. Cozmic Cat was now more determined than ever to save his friends.

Drawing of Jack in the Black and Cozmic Cat speaking to each other
Jack asked Cozmo the first question. “What is time?”
Drawing of Cozmic Cat speaking with Jack in the Black
“No Cozmic Cat!” Jack in the Black shouted back. “That is not the answer I was looking for.”

Cozmic Cat and the Intergalactic Inca Princess • Copyright 2014 Rick Clement •